The SWOP NT is a peer-based health promotion service that engages sex workers and other sex industry stakeholders in the Northern Territory.
SWOP NT enables sex workers to gain knowledge about the Nothern Territory's legal and Work, Health & Safety requirements. SWOP NT is a member of the Scarlet Alliance Australian Sex Workers Association. We are located within the Northern Territory AIDS & Hepatitis Council (NTAHC), Darwin. Email SWOP NT direct
0447 022 332
Make your voice count and be a part of your local sex worker organisation!
SWOP NT is the only peer based sex worker organisation in the Northern Territory and WE WANT YOU! However to be involved at SWOP you MUST identify as a past or present sex worker, this can include other adult entertainment areas that are classified as sex work such as stripping, skimpy, burlesque dancing, massage and relief, Dominatrix work etc.
There are a few different ways you can choose to be involved with SWOP.
SWOP NT offers a fun working environment, connections with other sex workers and enables options to get you involved in giving back to your community. Please come and drop into the SWOP NT office and pick up a volunteer pack, chat to us about upcoming events and areas of development including grant applications, ongoing policy development, conferences or do you have an idea for an event /project that you would like to see happen or a skill share workshop you would like to attend or run we are always open to new and exciting idea’s. SWOP NT encourages volunteers to select an area or project they would like to work on or be involved in.
SWOP NT values the energy of peer volunteers whose vital contributions have lead to effective operation of our community based service. We could not achieve our consistently high standard of work, or representation of sex worker issues on a Territory and national level, without the invaluable input of the many sex workers who volunteer their time, skills and knowledge. SWOP NT also recognizes that when based on sound principles, volunteering benefits the volunteers, the organisation, its projects, its membership and sex worker communities.
Interested or currently are working in the NT?
What you need to know! Sex work is fully decriminalised in the NT!
On 12th of June 2020 the amendments to the NT Planning Scheme and Act were ratified which allowed for the implementation of the Northern Territory Sex Industry Act 2019.
The Act fully decriminalises sex work and sex workers in the NT.
Sex workers and sex service premise operators are required to abide by the NT Government COVID-19 Safety Plan.
Business certification is required for sex service premises operating in commercial areas with three (3) or more workers.
I Work Remotely! How Can I Connect/Get Support?
At our office within NTAHC we offer a safe confidential space for sex workers to access or be referred to services whether face to face or by telephone. If you are working remotely, we are able to connect you with sex worker friendly services in your area. NTAHC has an office in Alice Springs where they can provide you with safer sex supplies and contacts to support you if required.
Unfortunately SWOP NT only has officers in Darwin who provide support for the whole of the NT, we do however travel to Alice Springs for 1-2 weeks a year. The good news is "sex workers are everywhere" so we may be able to buddy you up with another worker to minimise isolation. There is nothing like having another person to speak to discuss issues and share knowledge with over a coffee :)
"Mentors & buddy's” SWOP NT is aware that very few sex workers who work in the Northern Territory have the privilege to discuss topics about work outside of the industry. Sex workers are fantastic peer educators as their wealth of knowledge specific to Work Health and Safety standards, SWOP Officers can facilitate another worker who can volunteer their time to ensure that new workers have a mentor to ask questions to when SWOP officers are unavailable.
Our networks of past and current sex workers within our communities are able to assist you to connect with others who are in a position to offer a deeper understanding of specific issues as lived experiences. As sex workers, we are diverse in gender, sexuality and spirituality, also our cultural, privileged and disadvantaged backgrounds can provide relative advice and information. SWOP NT is a space to connect, form working groups, advocate with others and share our differences at state and national levels. We can help you create your own network of peers.
Sex Worker Friendly Referrals
We maintain a fantastic list of referral agencies and organisations that has evolved over many years of ongoing evaluation of service providers. This allows SWOP NT to communicate appropriate referrals, along with best contact information, as necessary.
We have complied a fantastic list of referral agencies and organisations that has evolved over many years from ongoing input and evaluation by sex workers, we not only have a list of "current" areas for referrals but we also have a list of "current" contact persons within services and organisations relative to the sex industry.
We can provide recommendations for sex worker friendly doctors, accountants, reproductive health practitioners, testing, treatment and support services for Blood Borne Virus's (BBV's) and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI's), legal services, a Police Liaison Officer, counsellors, Sexual Assault and Work Place Health & Safety agencies.
At NTAHC along with SWOP NT, there are other programs that SWOP is able to connect you to whether it be inter-agency referral services or a crossover of areas for peer support. For example; Care & Support services in NTAHC run support groups for people who live with Blood Born Viruses, Women Who Inject Drugs workshops and meetings, a women’s' support group, a RESPEC+ Course and program, NSP have activities for people who use drugs, just to highlight a few areas that sex workers through NTAHC have been able to access and contribute to.
If you are a professional who works within medical, legal, counselling, or other Workplace Health & Safety areas and would like the opportunity to be assessed as a sex worker friendly contact, we would be more than happy to meet with you. We ensure new referrals have an opportunity to access our SWOP NT in-service training that enables an overview of sex workers needs in the territory whilst highlighting areas that build barriers to sex workers ability to access equitable support and services.
SWOP can assist you with education and training.
We offer free, non-judgmental services to all people who engage in sex work in the NT. Our program is staffed in NTAHC's Darwin office by past and current sex workers. We are also fortunate to have sex workers with varied lived experiences and skills working with us as volunteers. Collectively our extensive knowledge and experience in the sex industry enables SWOP NT to be an actively engaging program. Every 6 weeks, we hold Sex Worker Reference Group (SWRG) meetings. These meetings are open to sex workers only, are entirely confidential and have proven to be a wonderful way to meet peers, engage with the sex worker rights movement and participate in decision-making, while staying informed about issues affecting our community, both within the NT and nationally.
If you are a sex worker or are just about to enter the industry, we have Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) training specific to the work you do. We have best practice guidelines for testing - how and what testing you require depending on what services you offer as a sex worker, current information from Centre for Disease Control (CDC) to let you know what STI's are on the rise within the Territory, safer sex supplies and correct usage, cleaning work equipment safely, checking clients for STI's before a job, tips and resources for when you are working with a client and legislation requirements what’s legal, what’s not and how to keep yourself safe.
We'll come to you
SWOP NT staff and volunteers assist in the provision of Outreach Services to sex industry workplaces. We understand that everyone works differently, and are happy to visit you in your work location, whether that be a street area, agency or hotel premises. Our service operates during regular office hours, but we can arrange to meet you outside of these hours or off-premises with sufficient notice (24 hours).
Our SWOP Shop stocks affordable safer sex products in the NTAHC Darwin office. Products are available for purchase in a discreet and non-judgemental environment and include condoms and femidoms, lubricant (water-based and silicone), massage products, gloves and dental dams.
Drop into NTAHC to purchase your safer sex products
NTAHC Darwin: Has moved to 1 Searcy Street, Darwin City.
NTAHC Alice Springs: Shop 3 Reg Harris Lane, Todd Mall, Alice Springs
Ask to see a SWOP worker when you come into the Darwin Office. There is no peer in Alice Springs, however ask staff to call through to the Darwin Office.
Email SWOP NT direct
Phone SWOP NT 08 8944 7707
If no one is available in SWOP other NTAHC staff are happy to assist you
Sex worker rights are human rights!
BY sex workers FOR sex workers
Sex Worker Reference Group Meetings SWRG
SWOP has skill share workshops at our Sex Worker Reference Group Meetings (SWRG) where different workers are able to work on activities, projects or present on an area to share with everyone who comes along. We are also able to connect you into other sub groups/ closed internet lists and pages/ working parties in SWOP that connect up on law reform, legal resources, and a closed peer only informal drug users forum.
SWRG Legal Working Party
SWOP NT has a legal working party that you as a worker can join from afar or connect up at SWOP Office face to face. The working party has come about to assist SWOP NT to further evaluate and collate information for legal resource development, grant submissions, media releases, Advocacy messages in art-T/Shirts, T/Towels-Postcards and Submissions to Parliamentary inquiries.
SWOP NT Newsletter - "Red Light Rites"
Contribute your lived experiences as a sex worker to editions of the "Red Light Rites" newsletter. By sex workers for sex workers the newsletters are disseminated to workers across the Territory. We pop in artwork, latest stories, book reviews about sex work, media reviews, what sex workers have been up to as well as relevant National and International cross-over of articles by other workers.
SWOP NT - Pop Up Education Events and Q and A panels - It's Team work!
SWOP NT organises pop up education events to showcase sex worker developed resources, information and NTAHC brochure of services. We aim to reduce stigma and discrimination against us as sex workers by engaging directly with people who wish to speak to us about sex work to enable an awareness of issues that are negatively impacting on sex workers ability to work safely in the Northern Territory. The stalls have proven to be invaluable for accessing new workers and in being able to share referrals to other NTAHC services for people to be aware of how to prevent BBV's and STI's and or acess safer sex and safer injecting equipment, culturally specific sexual health and care and support services.
SWOP NT also has a list of people who as past or current sex workers are willing to speak alongside SWOP Officers in representation for meetings with politicians, other service providers, education session delivery to health practitioners and legal and or media. We have formed a list of workers for panel work Q and A for people to ask questions. From being a part of education as a speaker at meetings, education events, within planning at our SWRG meetings, to set up to being at the stall and pack down there is always an area to be involved in.
Scarlet Alliance Australian Sex Worker Association - membership
SWOP NT is a member of Scarlet Alliance Sex Worker Association which is our National Peak Body for us as past and current sex workers. We can connect you to other sex workers and sex worker activities and advocacy on a national level as well. Download a membership form and bring it in to us to discuss how you can become an individual member. Every Year SWOP NT as a voting peer program member, sends two delegates to attend the Scarlet Alliance National Forum
National and International Conferences as a space for Sex Worker issues
Every year National and International Conferences enable spaces where sex worker leadership in peer education, advocacy strategies and contemporary ideas in line with our industry trends in WHS and law reform that prevents the transmission of BBV's and STI's are platformed from within our communities in these important educational spaces. SWOP NT officers and volunteers with experience in this area are able to connect you to information for scholarship applications, support with abstract submissions/writing, presentations both oral and poster-work, any prep or practice work for presenting and or audio recording to be able to send through your voice rather than present physically to conferences and forums. SWOP is able to assist with workshop ideas, submissions and development, with presentation work to other sex workers and to submit to apply for presentation work at our National sex worker only space forum for all sex workers across Australia facilitated and organised by Scarlet Alliance as our peak body.
Sex Worker Solidarity
SWOP NT collates a quarterly publication entitled Red Light Rites, which is compiled by sex workers, for sex workers. Throughout the year, we hold events to raise awareness about issues that affect sex workers and acknowledge days of significance to promote solidarity and inclusiveness.
SWOP NT provides training to stakeholders in the NT, with a view to reduce stigma against, and advance understanding of, sex worker issues.
Our overall objective is to improve access and equity to services for sex workers living in the NT. Feel free to contact us if you work for a service that would benefit from our workplace training.
Parliamentary Submissions and other law reform documents with links are listed below
1 Searcy Street (corner of Smith and Searcy)
PO BOX 2826 DARWIN NT 0801
T: 08 8944 7777
NTAHC Darwin and NSP open Monday to Friday: 8.30am to 5pm
Shop 3 Reg Harris Lane
Todd Mall
T : 08 8953 3172
8:30am-5pm Monday- Friday (closed 12-1pm).
Monday to Friday: 9:30am to 5:30pm
Closed for lunch: 1pm to 1:30pm
"NTAHC acknowledges the Traditional Custodians on whose lands we work and live and, pay respects to elders past and present .
We are committed to a positive future for the Aboriginal community."
NTAHC Diversity Statement
“NTAHC welcomes, celebrates and respects diversity and we actively promote equity and inclusion for all its employees, volunteers and priority populations. We do not tolerate discrimination on the basis of sexuality, gender identity, bodily autonomy or gender expression.”
ABN: 58 945 364 262 • Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission number: 58945364262
NTAHC Darwin 08 8944 7777
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