Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) are infections you can get from having oral, anal or vaginal sex. STIs are common and often don't have symptoms, so it is really important that if you have a new partner, unprotected sex or if it has been a while since your last check that you find a clinic that can help you out. Luckily finding a place to help is really easy, check out our map!
Wherever you go to get a STI / BBV check it will be pretty similar.
You might see a nurse or a doctor, and most places are happy for you to bring along a support person if you prefer.
During the consult you will likely be asked about any symptoms, recent sexual history, if any partners have an STI and any concerns that you have about your sexual health.
Testing is usually done by you! somewhere private, including a urine sample and maybe swabs from the body parts you have had sex (like vaginal, oral or anal swabs). The health professional may perform an examination if indicated for example if there were symptoms. You may also need to have a blood test.
Results normally are back in less than a week.
Easy peasy hey!
‘Sex’ refers to the biological differences between female and male.
‘Gender’ is a social classification, it’s about whether you feel masculine, feminine, both, or neither.
Sexuality is about who you feel attracted to, sexually and/or romantically; your sexual behaviours; and how you choose to identify.
You choose how you describe yourself, what pronouns you use, and who you choose to be with. If you are looking for LGBTI friendly support check out the links.
BBVs (Blood Borne Viruses) are infections that pass from blood to blood contact, and include hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV.
This could be through vaginal or anal sex, or by sharing needles. BBVs can also be passed from mother to baby.
We will have lots of different relationships in our lives these might be romantic to people we know less intimately. Many relationships are great and filled with respect, support and trust. However, not all relationships are healthy - if you are looking for support see below.
Search sexual assault on our map
Do you need th Police? Call 13 14 44
A good place to start is by making an appointment at your local Health Centre, GP or Family Planning.
Contraception helps to prevent pregnancy.
There are lots of options to choose from and its important to talk to the nurse or doctor about which one will work best for you.
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Proudly funded by NTPHN
1 Searcy Street (corner of Smith and Searcy)
PO BOX 2826 DARWIN NT 0801
T: 08 8944 7777
NTAHC Darwin and NSP open Monday to Friday: 8.30am to 5pm
Shop 3 Reg Harris Lane
Todd Mall
T : 08 8953 3172
8:30am-5pm Monday- Friday (closed 12-1pm).
Monday to Friday: 9:30am to 5:30pm
Closed for lunch: 1pm to 1:30pm
"NTAHC acknowledges the Traditional Custodians on whose lands we work and live and, pay respects to elders past and present .
We are committed to a positive future for the Aboriginal community."
NTAHC Diversity Statement
“NTAHC welcomes, celebrates and respects diversity and we actively promote equity and inclusion for all its employees, volunteers and priority populations. We do not tolerate discrimination on the basis of sexuality, gender identity, bodily autonomy or gender expression.”
ABN: 58 945 364 262 • Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission number: 58945364262
NTAHC Darwin 08 8944 7777
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