NT Clinic Listing

A sign that says mpxv vaccines are now available in the nt
Sexual health clinic poster

Youth Sexual

Health Service

Darwin on Thursdays & Katherine has now closed on Tuesdays

The Sexual Health Clinic is a youth and LGBTIQ+ friendly clinic for anyone aged between 12 and 25 years old! It is a totally free and confidential service, where we try make the space as comfortable and safe as possible for everyone who comes in. 

Text or call our nurse


  • Darwin on Thursdays - headspace

    Every Thursday 3.30pm – 6pm 

    For pre booked and drop in appointments.

    Darwin headspace

    CASCOM Centre, 13-17 Scaturchio St, Casuarina NT 

  • Katherine every 2nd Tuesday - headspace

    Every 2nd Tuesday 3pm – 6pm 

    For pre booked and drop in appointments.

    Katherine headspace

    1/16 Katherine Terrace, Katherine NT


·        STI and BBV testing and treatment

·        Contraceptive advice and free condoms

·        Pregnancy testing

·        Sexual health and well being education

·        Respectful relationship education

·        Education and advice on gender, identity and sexuality


  • Reception

    You will be greeted by the friendly headspace reception staff, and just say you are there for the clinic (no need to say the sexual health clinic if you don’t feel comfortable doing so), they will understand and make sure its low key. You do not need a Medicare card or referral to be seen but referral information may assist in your care. We welcome both drop ins and pre booked appointments .

  • Consultation

    The nurse and counsellor will introduce themselves and we will have a chat with you about why you came in and try help you as best we can, whether this is answering questions, maybe teaching you some stuff, and taking some tests if that needs to be done.  

    Most of the time you can just take your own tests but sometimes the nurse might need to look especially if you have symptoms. This will be discussed with you at the time of consultation.

  • Results

    Most results are available within 7 days, and the nurse will try text you when these are back. If it has been more than 7 days you can always call or text 0467229594 to get your results. 

  • Treatment

    If the tests and examination show you need treatment you may be given medicine- tablets or an injection- at the time of consultation or you may need to come back for treatment later.  It is very important that you complete the recommended treatment even if you feel better.

  • Follow-up

    You may be asked to come back to the clinic for more tests, treatment, more education or counselling.  You may be asked to come back or contact us for your results.

  • Privacy and Confidentiality

    All information you give is strictly confidential unless there is a legal requirement for us to disclose information. Only the Clinic staff has access to the records kept for your care and treatment.  

    We keep your records so that each health professional involved in your care at the clinic has all the facts needed to provide you with the most suitable and safest treatment.


Call or text: 0467229594


Complete this online referral form: https://forms.office.com/r/MB3kHAktWB


Email: shc.refferals@ntahc.org.au

When was your last check up?

Book into a clinic and get tested, get treated!

See our list of free specialist sexual health services in the Northern Territory

Where can I get PeP or PrEP?

Get PeP! See Clinic 34 or any Hospital Emergency Department

Get PrEP! See Clinic 34 or book in to see your GP

Fact Sheet Link

The logo for clinic 34 is green and white on a yellow background.

Clinic 34

Free and Confidential Sexual Health Service


Clinic 34 is a specialist sexual health service for the assessment and treatment of sexually transmitted infections and blood borne viruses, including HIV/AIDS. Testing and treatment for most sexually transmissible infections (STIs) is free.

  • Services offered by Clinic 34

    • Information and counselling about all STIs

    • Testing and treatment for STIs

    • Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) information, testing and management

    • HIV post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP)

    • HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for people at high risk of acquiring HIV

    • Hepatitis B and C testing 

    • Vaccination for Hepatitis A and B for people at high risk

    • Sex workers health care including screening, treatment and vaccination where appropriate

    • Needle and Syringe Program (NSP).  Distribution of free, sterile injecting equipment.  Disposal of used injecting equipment

    • Specialist advice and treatment referral service for General Practitioners and other primary carers for sexual health issues

  • What to expect when you come to Clinic 34


    Our reception staff will ask you to complete a registration form but it is up to you how much information you provide. You do not need a Medicare card or referral to be seen but referral information may assist in your care.


    A healthcare worker (doctor/nurse/Aboriginal Health Practitioner) will ask you some questions to find out what your risk factors are to decide which tests you should have. In most circumstances you can collect your own specimens, but sometimes an examination will be recommended especially if you have symptoms.  This will be discussed with you at the time of consultation.


    Most results are available within 7 days


    If the tests and examination show you need treatment you may be given medicine- tablets or an injection- at the time of consultation or you may need to come back for treatment later.  It is very important that you complete the recommended treatment even if you feel better.


    You may be asked to come back to the clinic for more tests or treatment.  You may be asked to come back or contact us for your results.

    Privacy and Confidentiality

    All information you give is strictly confidential unless there is a legal requirement for us to disclose information. Only Clinic 34 staff has access to the records kept for your care and treatment.  

    We keep your records so that each health professional involved in your care at Clinic 34 has all the facts needed to provide you with the most suitable and safest treatment.

    If you want to access your records at any time, please talk to the staff at the clinic.

  • How to tell if you have an STI?

    Most people with STIs feel perfectly well and many have no symptoms.

    Sometimes people notice symptoms such as:

    • A discharge (pus, blood or fluid) from the penis, vagina or rectum

    • An offensive odour from the vagina or penis

    • Pain or burning when passing urine (peeing)

    • Sores, blisters or lumps on the penis, vagina, anus or surrounding area.

    REMEMBER: You can have an STI but may not have symptoms.

Contact & Opening Hours

  • Alice Springs

    Ph. (08) 8951 7549

    Clinic 34 Alice Springs

    Ground Floor, Eurilpa House, 25 Todd Mall

    Appointments not required but encouraged

    Monday - 8.30am - 3.30pm

    Tuesday - 8.30am - 3.30pm 

    Wedneday - 10.30am - 3.30pm

    Thursday - 8.30am - 3.30pm

    Friday - 8.30am - 3pm

  • Darwin

    Red Wing, Building 4, Royal Darwin Hospital (RDH) campus

    105 Rocklands Drive, Tiwi 0810

    Ph. (08) 8999 2678

    NEW LOCATION DIRECTIONS SEE HERE https://nt.gov.au/wellbeing/hospitals-health-services/sexual-health-services/clinic-34#find_your_local_clinic

    Our opening hours at the moment are:

    Monday          8:30am – 3:30pm

    Tuesday         8:30am – 3:30pm

    Wednesday   10:30 - 3:30pm

    Thursday        8:30am – 3:30pm

    Friday             8:30am – 3pm

  • Katherine

    On Katherine Hospital grounds. 

    Ph. (08) 8973 9049

    Mon - Fri, 8.30am - 4.30pm

  • Nhulunbuy

    Cnr Mathew Flinders Way & Chesterfield Court. 

    Ph. (08) 8987 0357

    Mon - Fri, 8.30am - 4.30pm

  • Tenant Creek

    On Tennant Creek Hospital grounds.

    Ph. 08 8962 4259

    Mon - Fri, 8.30am - 4.30pm

A blue background with the word nitahc on it


NTAHC Darwin

Free Clinic

Held at our Darwin clinic room once every Wednesday!

Book your appointment today for Free & confidential health check up. See NTAHC reception or NSP.

  • Fast and free Hepatitis C testing and treatment
  • Weekly clinic available on site at NTAHC
  • Peer workers available to provide personal support through the testing and treatment process *option to assist with transport to and from appointments
  • Fibroscans (liver scans)
  • Liver health check ups
  • Vaccinations for Hepatitis A and B

Phone: 08 8944 7777

Location: 1 Searcy Street, Darwin City

A poster that says live free of hep cs eliminate hep c clinic
A logo for northside health nt integrative & specialist general practice

LGBTI Specialist Clinic

Held at Northside Health NT in Darwin once a month!

Visiting doctors specialising in LGBTI health

  • Transgender, gender diverse & non-binary health
  • Sexual health
  • Mental health
  • HIV care, S100, PrEP
  • General health care
  • Fertility & conception advice
  • Non-judgemental expert medical care 

Phone:  08 7999 7448

Location: 4/1 Caryota Court, Coconut Grove

An advertisement for the lgbt specialist clinic

Other Clinics in Darwin

The logo for family planning welfare association of nt inc.

Family Planning


Youth Clinic held every Saturday!

Book your appointment today for Free & confidential health check up. See NTAHC reception or NSP.

  • BBV & STI testing
  • Sexual health advice
  • Referral 

Phone: 08 8948 0144

Location: Unit 2 The Clock Tower
Dick Ward Drive
Coconut Grove NT 0810

A logo for danila dilba health service with a fish and bananas in a circle.

Danila Dilba Health Service

Darwin is open Monday to Friday!

Drop in's welcome or make a free and confidential appointment.

  • BBV & STI testing
  • Sexual health advice
  • Referrals
  • Gender affirming care

Phone: 08 8942 5444


36 Knuckey Street
Darwin NT 0800

A black and white photo of a stethoscope on a table

Bulk billed GPs

Speak to your local GP and ask if they offer bulk billing.

Bulk billing means you don't have to pay for your medical service from a health professional. All you need is your Medicare Card.

Our Care and Support team can also assist with referring you to the right GP Clinic.

Other Clinics in Alice Springs

A logo for headspace alice springs on a green background.

Youth Sexual Health Clinic

Held at Headspace Alice Springs.

Drop in's welcome or make a free and confidential appointment.

  • BBV & STI testing
  • Sexual health advice
  • Referrals

Phone: 08 8958 4544

Location: 5/74 Todd Street, Alice Springs

A black red and yellow flag with the caac logo on it

Congress Main Clinic

For Aboriginal people of all ages.

Drop in's welcome or make a free and confidential appointment.

  • BBV & STI testing
  • Sexual health advice
  • Referrals

Phone: 08 8951 4400

Location: 25 Gap Road, Alice Springs

A black red and yellow flag with the caac logo on it

Congress Men's Clinic

For Aboriginal people of all ages.

Drop in's welcome or make a free and confidential appointment.

  • BBV & STI testing
  • Sexual health advice
  • Referrals

Phone: 08 8951 4400

Location: 25 Gap Road, Alice Springs

Other Clinics down the track

A logo for the wurli wurlinjang health service

Wurli-Wurlinjang Health Service


For Aboriginal people of all ages.

Drop in's welcome or make a free and confidential appointment.

  • BBV & STI testing
  • Sexual health advice
  • Referrals

Phone: 08 8971 0044

Location: 25 Third Street
Katherine NT 0850

The logo for the anyinginyi health aboriginal corporation shows two people standing next to each other.

Anyinginyi Health Aboriginal Corporation

Tennant Creek

For Aboriginal people of all ages.

A range of free health Care is provided from the Clinics.

  • BBV & STI testing
  • Sexual health advice
  • Referrals
  • Separate Men's Clinic

Phone: 08 8962 2385

Location: 71 Schmidt St

Ten­nant Creek, NT 0860

A logo for miwatij health aboriginal corporation

Miwatj Health Aboriginal Corporation


For Aboriginal people of all ages.

Drop in's welcome or make a free and confidential appointment.

  • BBV & STI testing
  • Sexual health advice
  • Referrals

Phone: 1800 111 918 

Location: 1424 Arnhem Road
Nhulunbuy 0880

  • Prep works by building up enough of the drug which stops hiv if it enters your body

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  • A poster that says how can i get prep

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  • Unprotected sex poster

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  • A poster that says what is prep 1 pill daily can help prevent hiv infection

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Ask Clinic 34 or your GP about PrEP

PrEP stands for Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis. It’s a pill, that is usually taken daily, that HIV-negative people can take to prevent HIV.

Taking PrEP before being exposed to HIV means there’s enough drug in your system to stop HIV if it gets into your body.

PrEP is a safe and well-tolerated drug and has been approved by Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) for use by people who are HIV negative and at risk of HIV.

If taken as prescribed, PrEP reduces the risk of HIV transmission by almost 100%.

Find our more at GetPrEP'D

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