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NSP’s sit within the National Drug Strategy which is broken down into 3 tiers and has been in operation since 1986. These are Harm Reduction, Supply Reduction and Demand Reduction.

NSP’s provide:

  • education and health promotion on safe injecting practices;
  • free sterile injecting equipment;
  • a range of sharps container for the safe disposal of used equipment and disposal facilities at each site for the disposal of used equipment after the fact;
  • free condoms and lube to promote safer sex; and
  • training by appointment for individuals and organisations on blood borne virus transmission & prevention / handling of used syringes and cleaning of blood and body fluid spills / NSP’s the government’s response to hepatitis and HIV
Collection and disposal Dispensing unit Naloxone Program Health Promotions Downloadable Resources

NTAHC NSP’s are staffed by peers (current or ex-users) able to provide expert knowledge on various issues around drug use. It’s this peer to peer approach that keeps our NSP clients safe and well informed.

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Some introductory content here

  • Accordion 1

    (also known as Smack, harry, heroin, white horse, white lady, H, gear)

    The best idea would be to speak to your local NSP officer, but if that’s not an option at the time here’s some hints for staying safe: Never use alone and always find out the strength of the gear before you use it. Have a small taste first. You can always have more later. Always have everything you need available and in your reach prior to mixing up your drugs. Most importantly do this on a clean space with clean swabbed spoons and other utensils to be used. Make sure you have washed your hands and arms prior to mixing up- think of all the things you have touched before you go to make a mix. Bacteria hangs around on the outside of our skin naturally and needs to be cleaned off properly with soap and water.

    The same goes for your mixing space wiping with a clean cloth with disinfectant is good. Swabbing the space can take a while and is not advisable. If you use a tourniquet do not do it up that tight that it cuts of your artery flow as well, as this defeats the purpose. Just loose enough to cut off supply the vein is fine. Avoid injecting into legs and hands as these are smaller veins and likely to burst. Inject into the vein on angle so it doesn’t roll out of the way and remove the tourniquet before pushing in the plunger. Relax, it’s all over. As soon as you can recap your needle so no one else picks it up or uses it. Tidy up your space afterwards. That way it’s ready for the next one.

  • Accordion 2

    You might be able to manage your injury with a removable splint. Movement For Life Physiotherapist’s stock a range of pre-fabricated splints, braces and boots suitable for a range of upper limb, lower limb and spinal related conditions, including wrist sprains, ankle sprains, lower limb fractures, knee and shoulder injuries, and back pain.

  • Accordion 3

    Steroids come in various formulations from powders to liquids and are only to be injected intramuscular. Most contain some form of oil, which if this got into your arteries could cause a blockage and the area (usually fingers and toes) would start to deteriorate from lack of blood eventually leading to gangrene. The best place to inject is the upper right or left quadrant of the buttocks. No, your muscles will not get bigger if you inject into your bicep or shoulder muscle or anywhere else. In fact you run more of a risk of injecting into a vein or artery if you do.

    Always use a long gauge needle about 1 ¼” size (23 gauge) to inject with. Don’t be shy about talking with other body builders about their experiences and steroids before trying them on yourself. There is no magic cure to make you big. It’s a lot of hard work and eating correctly is what does it.

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NSP's and sterile injecting equipment in the NT and around Australia can be found at the Australian Injecting & Illicit Drug Users League

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Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus.

H3 title

Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.

  • Around Darwin

    Katherine Pharmacy

    Oasis Shopping Centre

    08 8972 3310

    Gove Pharmacy

    Endeavour Square (PO Box 546) Gove, 0881

    08 8987 1155

  • Darwin

    Darwin Discount Pharmacy

    Smith Street Mall, Darwin CBD

    08 8981 9202

    Stuart Park Pharmacy

    Westralia Street, Stuart Park

    08 8981 8075

    Winnellie Safemart Pharmacy

    357 Stuart Hi-way, Winnellie

    08 8981 6888

    Northlakes Amcal Pharmacy

    Shop 5, Links Road, Marrara

    08 8927 1504

    Amcal Max Night & Day

    Cnr Vanderlin Dr & Gsell St, Casuarina

    08 8927 7857

    Casuarina Village Discount Pharm.

    Cnr Bradshaw & Trower Rd, Casuarina

    08 8927 1050

  • Alice Springs

    Priceline Pharmacy

    Alice Plaza

    08 8953 0089

    Alice Springs Pharmacy

    Yeperenye Shopping Centre

    08 8952 1554

    United Discount Chemist

    Coles Complex – Bath Street

    08 8952 4173

H3 title

Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.

  • Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur.
  • Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus.

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24 Hour Dispensing unit

After Hours Dispensing Units for the NSP aims to improve access to sterile injecting equipment to prevent blood-borne virus transmission and injecting-related injury and infection.

This is a harm reduction initiative that will enables 24-hour access to equipment in Darwin and Palmerston. Funded by the Centre for Disease Control, NTG DoH and will be overseen by NTAHC. The ADUs are token operated and dispense Fitpacks (please see pics).

Tokens are available at NSPs at Darwin, Palmerston and Alice Springs from next week. Please pass the information on to those who may need to use the ADUs to avoid equipment reuse and receptive sharing.

A poster for a nsp 24hr dispenser with free tokens
Overdoes awareness poster how to assist people

Free Take Home Naloxone Program

NTAHC Free Take Home Naloxone Program aims to get Naloxone into the hands of people who are likely to witness and respond to an accidental opioid overdose.

Naloxone is a safe lifesaving substance with no known abuse potential that may reverse an opioid overdose.

Naloxone is a schedule 3 and schedule 4 substance that may be accessed with a prescription or purchased over the counter from a Pharmacy.

Naloxone is now available in a best practice nasal spray with the name Nyxoid. The NTAHC does not currently supply Nyxoid due to cost.


To access free Naloxone ampoules from the NTAHC

  • Attend a NTAHC NSP and undergo a brief intervention where NSP staff will assess your competence to administer Naloxone and provide training on responding to an opioid overdose.
  • NSP staff will supply you with a Naloxone kit that consists of 2 needles and syringes, swabs, sharps container and instructions on responding to an opioid overdose.
  • Present the kit to the Palmerston GP Superclinic Pharmacy to receive two free ampoules of Naloxone. NSP staff will attend with you if you prefer.

Alice Springs does not have a participating Pharmacy at the moment. Alice Springs NSP staff can arrange for a Naloxone prescription on attendance.

Health Promotion Campaigns

These images are concerned with injecting and increasing awareness of hep C. Made by people who inject drugs, for people who inject drugs. Hepatitis can live a long time in a static object and still be capable of transmission, so make sure your equipment and the environment you work on when mixing your gear is clean, and don't share any equipment - even tourniquets.We show these posters in our NSP spaces in Darwin Palmerston and Alice Springs.

Read more about our current Harm Reduction Needle and Syringe Programs:
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